High–strength polyester strap is widely used worldwide for packaging and transporting a variety of cargo: timber and lumber (board, beam, plywood, particle board), brick, steel refractories, secure cargo on pallets, etc.
Polyester strap has a high coefficient of elasticity, hence its advantages over the steel strap such as impact resistance, return after elongation, residual stresses. Taking into account these parameters in the selection of PET strap to replace the steel the following rule can be observed: 80% of the strength of the steel strap is 100% strength of PET strap. FROMM together with Europack Group created a polyester strap STARstrap™, which is ideal for heavy industry and successfully put into production in Europe and the CIS. Advantages:
* - STARstrap™ |
Size, (mm) | Breaking strength, (kg) | Wind roll, (m) |
12,5 х 0,6 | 290 | 2500 |
15,5 х 0,6 | 380 | 2100 |
15,5 х 0,7 | 440 | 1750 |
15,5 х 0,9 | 600 | 1300 |
16,0 х 0,8 | 520 | 1400 |
19,0 х 0,8 | 660 | 1150 |
19,0 х 1,0 | 800 | 1000 |
19,0 х 1,27 | 1050 | 750 |
19,0 х 1,35 | 1100 | 750 |
19,0 х 1,53 | 1260 | 600 |
25,0 х 0,8 | 900 | 875 |
25,0 х 1,0 | 1060 | 720 |
25,0 х 1,3* | 1360 | 550 |
32,0 х 0,8* | 1050 | 650 |
32,0 х 1,0* | 1250 | 550 |
32,0 х 1,2* | 1800 | 450 |